Club Moon

Solana's wildest Metaverse




  • NOV 1: Token gated nightclub bouncer
  • NOV 1: Trollbox text chat
  • NOV 1: Proximity voice chat
  • NOV 1: Autobuild X post buttons
  • NOV 22: Fighting
  • NOV 26: Corporate Outreach Office
  • NOV 29: Club Drugs NFT collection
  • DEC 14: Gary Gensler AI-agent on X
  • DEC 18: Gary Gensler AI-agent Voice
  • DEC 22: Gary Raid Boss field testing fights
  • DEC 29: Gary Raid Boss FIRST PRIZE PAYOUT
  • JAN 4: NFT Drug Attributes
  • JAN 7: Rolling Gary Prize Payouts
  • FEB 14: On-Chain Lottery
  • Soon: On-Chain Poker
  • TBD: Battle Royale Arena

Live Features

Token Gated Nightclub Bouncer - NOV1

Connect your Phantom wallet to check your token balance and be let past the bouncers!

Nightclub Bouncer

Corporate Outreach Office - NOV26

Corporate Outreach Office autobuilds X posts with in-game photos and tags!

Corporate Office

Corporate Partnership Program - NOV28

We set other tokens up with a section in the corporate office that auto builds X posts with in game photos, along with characters and models for their project!

NFT Drugs

NFT Drug Collection - NOV29

NFT drug collection initial mint!

NFT Drugs

Gary Raid Boss - DEC29

Gary Raid Boss paying the first $Clubmoon Prizes!

NFT Drugs

NFT Drug Attributes - JAN4

NFT drugs provide players with in-game attributes!

NFT Drugs

Rolling Gary Prize Payouts - JAN7

Regular Gary fights with $Clubmoon prize payouts based on damage done!

NFT Drugs

On-Chain Lottery - FEB14

Fully on-chain Lottery with tickets sold in SOL, and the prizes are paid in market bought $Clubmoon at the time of winner selection with 1% burned!

NFT Drugs

The ClubMoon token has no value and is just a meme. All characters are fictional satire.

Powered by Venice AI

Venice AI

ad intellectum infinitum